
 “The correct Aqeedah is the foundation upon which the Deen is built and by which actions become sound and correct.”
“There is no doubt that the knowledge of Islamic Aqeedah is the basic knowledge which deserves full attention in order to be learned, taught and acted upon, so that actions may become correct and acceptable to Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, and beneficial to the doers.”
[The Aqeedah of Tawheed by the Noble Shaykh Dr. Saaleh bin Fawzaan bin Abdullah al Fawzaan]
Aqeedah Units


Works of Shaykhul Islaam Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab
Aqeedah Audio Lessons


  1. Bismillaah. Alhamdulillaah.. ash-shalaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasulillaah. Assalaamu'alaykum sister. Baarakallaahu fiikum.. Jazaakumullaahu khayraa.. thank you so much for all of this website contents.. baarakallaahu fiikum.. anaa uhibbuki fillaah. Jazaakillaahu khayraa. May Allaah make all of this beneficial for all of us in this dunya and aakhirat. May Allaah safeguard you always. Aamiin. Wassalaamu'alaykum warahmatullaah.

  2. I am using your resources in my classes and you can’t imagine how useful and interesting they are. Students are learning a lot from your lessons. You are sitting in your house and the Ajr is coming to you without even knowing.
    May Allah SWT accept it as a Sadaqah Jaariyah and reward all those who are involved in it.

  3. Ma sha Allah sister! May Allah reward you and your family a lot for such a great help and contribution ma sha Allah Allahumma ameen


بارك الله فيك
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