Islamic Studies Interactive Notebook: Aqeedah Unit 1 ~ Knowing Allah

Knowing Allah Interactive Notebook
(Aqeedah Unit 1)


  1. MashaAllah Sister! May Allah give you and your family Jannatul Firdaus! It is so beneficial and beautiful work mashaAllah!

  2. masha allah! may allah reward you. I m so excited to do this with my daughter.

  3. asalaam elikum, this is such a beneficial site, and amazing resources, I had one question regarding filling these books on Pillars of imaan, do you have some link that tells us how to fill them? please help as i am new to this

  4. assalaam elikum, before I as you my question i would like to thank you for this amazing resource, may Allah reward you and your family for this.

    My question is related to the pillars of imaan books, how to we fill them, is there a website, or link we have to follow, some pages are self explanatory others i am not sure what is required, could you please help

  5. Assalamualaikum warrohmatullahi wabarakatuh. Dear Sisters, thank you so much for creating this reasources, it is really such a big help for our small school. We are small community school based in Indonesia, focussing in teaching Iman. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you and your family and everyone who contribute to this site. Jazaakillalhu khayran. Barakallahu fiikum.

  6. Assalamu alaykum

    I've been searching for an authentic source for learning Allaahs names and attributes in English language.

    I am not able to find any book or lecture series. If you know please email me. Jazakallaahu Khair

  7. Assalamu aleikum.
    Thank you very much for this notebook that my son will start working with next month.
    May Allah reward you for your work, Insha Allah.

  8. Jazak'Allah hu khair may Allah subhana waa ta aala grant you and loved ones jannat ul firdaus


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