
Names of Allah Worksheets

A set of worksheets covering 99 Names of Allah


  1. Jazakullahi khayr for this amazing effort...I am a weekend madrasa teacher and will be using it for my class inshaaAllah

  2. @our_little_dunya21 May 2017 at 07:20

    These are fantastic. I have made intention for me and my 3 year old to memorise the names of Allah this ramadan insha'Allah. Cannot wait to utilise these!

  3. jazakAllah khayr for these worksheets. My daughters and I have planned to memorise the names of Allah's names this Ramadhan inshaa Allah and these sheets have made me anxious and very happy.

  4. thank you, may Allah rewards you for more blessing

  5. Asalam o alikum I dnt know how to thank u... MashaAllah may Allah give u infinte rewards . Ur website gave me everthing I want. Ideas worsheet everything alhamdulillah I dnt think I have to search something else when I got u.. .Jazakillah khair


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