
Can Muslims Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween - An Impermissible Celebration in Islam
Abu Sufyan Abdul Kareem
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Shaykh Fu’aad Al-‘Amree on the Halloween and the Holidays of the Kuffaar

Question: Our Shaykh, may Allaah reward you and treat you well. We are in need of you commenting on this affair as there is a time drawing near for the disbelievers in our land and many of the Muslims fall into participating in it and allowing their children to do so. It is as follows:

The disbelievers have a holiday called Halloween


It is also called:

عيد الرعب

It is known that all of the holidays of the disbelievers are impermissible for the Muslims; however, this holiday has origins in Shirk and worship of the devils. It is said that the ancient Christians used to believe that on October 31st or around this day, the devils and demons were released from Hell and would cause havoc upon the lands. The only people whom they would not harm were those who made sacrifices by placing cakes and milk on the graves of the dead for the purpose of keeping the dead at ease.

Today, the people, on this day, dress up in costumes as monsters and devils and other things, some frightening and some not frightening, to simulate the dead and the devils coming out on this night. They dress their children up in these costumes and they walk about in the neighborhoods and knock on the people's doors and say: "Trick or treat". The meaning is: "Either you give me a treat or I will do a trick (i.e., some type of evil to you or your home." And the occupants of the home usually buy candy to give the children who are dressed in the costume. This is a connection to the giving of cakes and milk to the inhabitants of the grave that the ancient Christians would do. The people also decorate their homes to look like scary haunted houses in celebration of this Satanic day.

This holiday is very big in these lands, yet I have not found, in my research, any of the scholars speaking about it. My dear Shaykh, is it possible for you to comment on this in a recorded statement on Whatsapp, which I will translate and spread before the day of October 31st to warn the Muslims from participating in this day and allowing their children to do so. May Allah reward you and beautify you with Tawheed and the Sunnah.

Shaykh Fu’aad Al-‘Amree responds:

All the praise is for Allaah; may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah, his family and companions altogether. As to proceed:

I say, in response to that the mention of which was presented in the question: It is not permissible for the Muslim who believes in Allaah and the last day to participate with the disbelievers and polytheists in their holidays. Allaah the Exalted says regarding the descriptions of the slaves of Ar-Rahmaan:

وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَشْهَدُونَ الزُّورَ وَإِذَا مَرُّوا بِاللَّغْوِ مَرُّوا كِرَامًا

And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity. (Al-Furqan 25:72)

Mujaahid and others have stated that: Az-Zoor الزُّورَ is the ‘Eids of the polytheists. When the Prophet, upon him be prayers and peace, came to Al-Madeenah and found them having two days in which they played he asked about them. He was informed that they were two days in which they would play during the days of Jahiliyah. He repudiated them with his statement:

Allaah has replaced them with that which is better than them; the day of Ad’haa and the day of Fitr.

Participating in holidays of falsehood contains imitation of their people. It has been authentically narrated from the Prophet, upon him be prayers and peace, that he said:

He who imitates a people is one of them.

So it is obligatory upon he who desires safety for himself to cling to the pure legislation and to bite onto the guidance of the Prophet, upon him be prayers and peace, with the molar teeth; and to abandon all of that which Allaah the Exalted has prohibited. Shaykhul-Islaam has written, regarding this issue, a magnificent treatise which the one who seeks the truth and desires felicity should refer to, entitled: Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat Al-Mustaqeem Mukhaalifah As’haabil-Jaheem

Sent Via Whatsapp
Translated by Raha ibn Donald Batts
الحمد لله، والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، وبعد: فأقول جوابا على ماتقدم ذكره في السؤال: ﻻ يجوز لمسلم يؤمن بالله واليوم اﻵخر أن يشارك الكفار والمشركين في أعيادهم، قال تعالى في صفات عباد الرحمن (والذين ﻻ يشهدون الزور وإذا مروا باللغو مروا كراما)قال مجاهد وغيره: الزور أعياد المشركين. والنبي عليه الصﻻة والسﻻم لما قدم المدينة ووجد لهم يومين يلعبون فيهما، فسأل عنهما فأخبر بأنهما يومان كانوا يلعبون فيهما في الجاهلية. فأنكر عليهم بقوله:(قد أبدلكم الله بخير منهما يوم اﻷضحي ويوم الفطر) رواه أبو داود. والمشاركة في اﻷعياد الباطلة فيه تشبه بأهلها وقد صح عن النبي عليه الصﻻة والسﻻم قوله:(من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم) رواه أبو داود . فالواحب على من أراد النجاة لنفسه أن يلزم الشرع المطهر، وأن يعض بالنواجذ على هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وأن يهجر كل ما حرم الله تعالى. وقد كتب شيخ اﻹسﻻم في هذا الباب رسالة عظيمة فليراجعها طالب الحق وباغي السعادة والنجاة بعنوان اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم مخالفة أصحاب

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