Tawheed - Lessons & Activities

Content is currently being uploaded (last updated 19 August 2023)

Click on the lessons below to download the PDF file for each lesson, inshaa'Allah


Tawheed - Lesson 1

مَا يَجِبُ عَلَى المُسْلِمِ مَعْرِفَتُهُ

What is Obligatory Upon the Muslim to Know

Tawheed - Lesson 2

اللهُ الخالِقُ

Allah is the Creator (Al-Khaliq)

Tawheed - Lesson 3

اللهُ الرَّزَّاقُ

Allah is the Provider (Ar-Razzaq)

Tawheed -  Lesson 4

 الله الَّذِي يُنْزِلُ الْمَطَرَ

Allah is the One Who Sends Down the Rain

Tawheed - Lesson 5

اللهُ المُنعِمُ

Allah is the Bestower of Bounty

Tawheed - Lesson 6

أُحِبُّ اللهَ

I Love Allah

Tawheed - Lesson 7

أَعبُدُ اللهَ

I Worship Allah

Tawheed - Lesson 8

الإسلَامُ دِينِي

Islam is my Religion

Tawheed - Lesson 9

الدِّينُ الحَقُّ

The Religion of Truth

Tawheed - Lesson 10

أَرْكانُ الإسلَامِ

The Pillars of Islam

Tawheed - Lesson 11

أُحِبُّ الإسلَامَ

I Love Islam

Tawheed - Lesson 12

مُحَمَّدٌ  نَبِيِّي

Muhammad  is my Prophet

Tawheed - Lesson 13

مُحَمَّدٌ  عَبْدُاللهِ وَرَسُولُه

Muhammad  is the Slave of Allah and His Messenger

Tawheed - Lesson 14

أُحِبُّ رَسُولُ الله

I love the Messenger of Allah 


Tawheed - Lesson 15

اللهُ الوَاحِدُ

Allah is the One (Al-Wahid)

Tawheed - Lesson 16

اللهُ الرَحْمَنُ الرَحِيمُ

Allah is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful 

(Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem)

Tawheed - Lesson 17

اللهُ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ

Allah is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing

(As-Samee', Al-Baseer)

Tawheed - Lesson 18

لِماذا خَلَقَنا اللهُ ؟

Why Did Allah Create Us?

Tawheed - Lesson 19



Tawheed - Lesson 20

عِبَادَةُ اللهِ وَحْدَهُ

Worshipping Allah Alone

Tawheed - Lesson 21

عِبَادَةُ غَيْرِ اللهِ شِرْكٌ

Worshipping Other Than Allah is Shirk

Tawheed - Lesson 22

   نَبِيُّنا مُحَمَّدٌ 

Our Prophet Muhammad 

Tawheed - Lesson 23

   صِفاتُ الرُّسولِ 

Characteristics of the Messenger 

Tawheed - Lesson 24

   دَعوَةُ الرُّسولِ 

The Call of the Messenger 

Tawheed - Lesson 25

   لِماذا أَرسَلَ اللهُ رَسُولنا مُحَمَّدٍ؟ 

Why Did Allah Send Our Messenger Muhammad? 

Tawheed - Lesson 26

   مَحَبَّةُ الرُّسولِ 

Loving the Messenger 

Tawheed - Lesson 27

  ُتَصْدِيقُ الرُّسولِ وَطاعَتُه

Believing the Messenger and Obeying Him 


  1. I love the content and how you prepared them step by step. Easy to follow and understand.

  2. جزاك الله خيرا

  3. Jazak Allah khairan for this. So easy to use. I just started teaching my siblings for the first time

  4. May Allah swt reward you abundantly. Will you be doing anything on Aqeedah?

  5. mashaAllah, tabarak Allah ,good work,jazakAllahu khair for this great work

  6. جزاكم الله خيرا 🌺
    Amazing work and effort, may Allah Taalaa guide us and keep us steadfast on His path

  7. جزاكم الله خيرا 🌺
    This is an amazing work and effort, may Allah Taalaa guide us and keep us steadfast upon His path آمين

  8. Amazing work
    JazakAllah for these wonderful worksheets

  9. Jaxakallahu Khairaan Sis. for your invaluable resources . really appreciate your efforts, more power to you. May Allahs barakath be upon you to continue this noble service, ameen.

  10. May Allah reward you abundantly 🤲

  11. May Allah rewards you kheir and Barak. Excellent job MashaAllah

  12. Jzaakallaahu khair Barak Allaahu feek may Allaah reward you in this world and hereafter 💞

  13. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ما شاءالله تبارك جزاك الله خيرا على هذا العمل الجليل بارك الله فى علمك وعمل وتقبل الله منك صالح الاعمال

  14. أسأل الله العظيم أن يجزيكم خيرا في الدارين. هذا عمل قيم و تراث علمي عظيم لا يعرف قدره إلا من مارس في تدريس و تعليم أبناء المسلمين.

    هل تسمح لنا أن نجعله من مقررات للمركز الإسلامي للدعوة في محافظتنا؟؟

  15. BaarakaLlaahu feekum. May ALlaah accept it as an act of 'Ibadah. Keep it up

  16. baarokallahu fiik my sister. I found your blog from my friend and now I'm using some of the worksheets you have made. It's easy to use, it's simple, and it's free. May Allah grant you with the best reward in this dunya and akhirah.

  17. Bismillah walhamdulila. Salam aleikum Warahmatula. This a great swadaqatul Jaariyah. Am very sure Soutern African will use this material to teach in townships where majority blacks live. Shukran Taqaballahu mina waminkum. Aameen thuma Aameen.

  18. They are so much lesson's

  19. بارک اللہ فیکم


بارك الله فيك
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